Mailonline ran an article with the title, “Mouthwash use “linked to oral cancer”: People who use products more than three times a day increase risk.” The research, done by a Scottish doctor at the University of Glasgow has been deemed inconclusive by the British Dental Association. The article did however, indicate that there “may be a link between excessive mouthwash rinsing and people who use it to mask the smell of smoking and alcohol.” These alone are independent risk factor for cancer, and together exert a well established link for cancer. As such, mouthwash may not be as significant as the alcohol and smoking with regard to cancer, and should probably not be discontinued if recommended for use.
The world sometimes sraces me and drives me to want to place my two innocent girls into a bubble. I want to stand gaurd on the outside and with my mama bear claws strike down all evil that tries to come near them. I can be fierce and I will strike. But, I too have sat at the bottom of the “stairs” with my girls. Snuggling them. Kissing them and smelling thier sweaty heads. “Lord, can I just hold them in this place forever?”God: “No, because they don’t belong to you.”His plans for my children are far better then my bubble idea. I think I will go with his plan rather then mine.
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