Dr. Schonberg’s Photograph Exhibit

REDCARDINALRESIZEDBeginning August 3rd (2015) and running for the month, Dr. Schonberg will present an assortment of photographs in an exhibit at the Millburn Public Library in Millburn, New Jersey. The images are an mixture High Dynamic Range (HDR) images and conventional photographs. The HDR images increase the range of light used and render more intensity to the images. The photographs were taken in a variety of places, including London, Berlin, Munich, Barcelona,  and Paris, as well as Gettysburg, Boston, and West Orange.They are a range of subjects, from scenic to abstract. Many are linked to an association with Word War II history, as the images were shot during some of the many WWII tours Dr. Schonberg has been on.  I hope you come and sign the guest book. Images are for sale, though Library rules prevent pricing and selling works at the Library. Contact Dr. Schonberg at the office (873-379-2730) for inquiries.
